
It has been a difficult winter for our trial year grooming singletrack in Cache Creek.  We have managed to stay ahead of the storms and keep a little over 9 miles of singletrack groomed for hikers, bikers, runners, and skiers.  We are hoping your donations to this bike raffle will allow us to purchase all of the equipment we need to continue this grooming program in future years.  If you have enjoyed the trails in Cache this winter or could use a new fat bike, please consider purchasing a raffle ticket.  Each $100 donation will get you entered to win a Salsa Beargrease size large from Fitzgerald’s Bicycles.  The drawing will be held at the Togwotee Winter Classic Race on March 4th and you need not be present to win.  You can donate here: Bike Raffle


We are excited to announce that Friends of Pathways, Mountain Bike the Tetons, and Teton Mountain Bike Tours have worked with the Bridger-Teton to pilot a Singletrack Trail Grooming program in Cache Creek for this winter.  This program which is being supported by donations at our Crowd Rise campaign site and will include a mixture of snowmobile and human grooming on 10 miles of trail.  Cache Creek saw an average of 286 trail users per day last winter, 66.1% hikers, 14.7% bikers, 10.3% runners, and 8.9% skiers.  This program will help to maintain a compact groomed trail surface for all trail users that is wide enough to allow people to pass each other without stepping off into deep snow on the side of the trail.  We worked with the BTNF to provide options close to the trailhead as well as additional grooming farther up the drainage to help spread out use.  We also are grooming upper Cache Creek road to Noker Mine an extra day each week to help bolster Parks and Rec’s grooming efforts.  If you enjoy using the trails in the winter take a look at our Crowd Rise site to learn more about FOP and MBT’s  joint venture to groom trails in Jackson, Victor, and Driggs!

Snow King Mountain Resort is proposing a significant expansion on US Forest Service, Town and private lands within Teton County. What role do you think the Town and County should play to ensure this proposed expansion aligns with our Comprehensive Plan?

From the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance

Candidates for Mayor

sara-flitnerSara Flitner: The question in my mind is, “What role should the community play?” And it should play a big one. Snow King is at the center of our universe in town, and everyone loves it. I support efforts to keep the mountain sustainable, and I also know how sensitive people are to changes. Snow King is coordinating with the Town in terms of process, and I’d like to see them engage in a very robust community process to tease out what people really want to see in the future. I’d like to see conversations, not presentations, and I have complete faith that good outcomes would result. We need a clear vision of what we want the Town Hill to be in 10 or 20 years, and I don’t think we’ve had that conversation

pete-muldoonPete Muldoon: The Forest Service has said it will consider the opinion of the Town and County during the expansion approval process. The T & C can’t just rubber stamp these proposals; it must ask for concessions and negotiate on behalf of our citizens. If we can’t find a way forward that benefits the community and advances its goals, the T&C should oppose the expansion.



Candidates for Town Council

jessica-chambersJessica Chambers: The Town and County must ensure the Comprehensive Plan is adhered to if and where possible. If we continue to make exceptions to the vision of the plan and our specified long-term objectives, what is the point of the Plan? I like the golden goose analogy: We have a goose that lays golden eggs; if we kill the goose that provides the egg, we will have no more eggs in the future.


judd-grossmanJudd Grossman: The Town and County should advocate that the Forest Service restrict SKMR to the smallest expansion footprint necessary for viability, and make sure that a high priority is given to the preservation of the natural beauty of Snow King. The current expansion proposal is too big.



haileyHailey Morton Levinson: The Town Council recently had this as a topic of discussion at our public meeting. Snow King is a community asset and deserves community wide conversations. There is publicly owned town land at the base that we have direct influence over. Some expansion involves the US Forest Service lands. I want to see a collaborative process involving all parties so that the community feels heard and so that Snow King can continue to be a viable and sustainable asset to the community. That process may be all of us sitting in a room together or it may be keeping informed of individual processes; either way, the public should be involved and be heard.

jim-stanfordJim Stanford: We should reject expansion of Snow King Ski Area to the east and west to protect wildlife habitat. The town and county should re-examine the outdated master plan for the base area to make sure it is aligned with community needs and matches the vision for recreation on the mountain. I think Snow King should be a community ski area surrounded by a neighborhood, not a commercial amusement park.



Candidates for County Commission

treyTrey Davis: The Snow King Master Plan governs the goals for the Snow King Resort District, and the expansion to meet such goals, even if outside what was initially envisioned, can be successful and make sense if the Town and County keep it consistent with the current Comprehensive Plan and needs for the community today.



gregGreg Epstein: Primarily we need to enforce the current Comprehensive Plan and ensure that expansion doesn’t compromise the natural values of the BTNF or public enjoyment and access to these lands. I do believe that Snow King Resort is an important part of the Town of Jackson, and believe it can be developed in a way that aligns with the vision of our community.



nikkiNikki Gill: As someone who learned how to ski on Snow King and was practically raised in the Snow King Sports and Events Center during my years of competitive figure skating and playing hockey, I support improvements to Snow King. Since the opening of the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, and throughout my whole life, Snow King Mountain Resort has struggled to survive. I’m supportive of any effort to keep our “Town Hill” in operation that aligns with the overall character of our community. Like many in Jackson I don’t want to see Snow King turn into an amusement park, but I also don’t want to see this incredible community resource go to waste. I believe there is way to make improvements and additions to the Snow King Mountain Resort that respects the history of the “Town Hill,” and also blends with the character of Jackson.

nataliaNatalia Macker: Teton County has a process in place regarding planning and development which includes opportunity for public comment as well as time for staff and elected officials to review the proposal alongside the Comprehensive Plan. This process includes the public while also ensuring each property owner is treated fairly. I believe that property owners need to go through the process.

Vote ‘FOR’ the county sales and use tax

– The tax will fund worker housing and transportation projects. 

– The amount of tax you pay will NOT increase.

– Visitors pay roughly 2/3 of general sales tax.


This is not a blank check:

Both the town and county have created a special revenue fund to assure that tax proceeds will be used for transportation and housing. A specific budget structure will allow transparency in tracking the receipt and expenditure of any funds collected as a result of this ballot initiative.

Why doesn’t the ballot language say anything about housing and transportation?
The general sales tax cannot be legally bound to a specific project (hence the restriction on the ballot language); however, the town and county have both passed resolutions committing the revenues from this general purpose tax to the community priorities of housing and transportation.

Will my tax rate increase?
No.   The sale tax rate has been 6% since 1993.

  • Currently there is a 1% Special Purpose Excise Tax (SPET) in place funding the remediation of the West Broadway Landslide.  Funds for this project will be collected by April of 2017.  Once the funds have been collected this 1% tax will cease, dropping the tax rate to 5%.
  • If the General Revenue Tax is approved, then the collections will begin in April, 2017 (once the SPET tax ceases) effectively keeping the sales tax rate at 6%.

Why not SPET?
Both the Housing Action Plan and the Integrated Transportation Plan require ongoing, predictable, and reliable funding. In Teton County, sales tax is the best way of doing this. The general revenue sales tax will fund capital AND ongoing operating expenses. SPET funding will buy you a START bus, but will not pay for the gas, parts and drivers necessary to operate them. SPET funding will build you a house, but will not pay for the personnel to provide proper oversight and management and take advantage of unforeseen housing opportunities.

The community has been asking for real solutions to our housing shortage and traffic problems. We are ready to act, however, we will not be able to without money.

Please vote FOR the Teton County General Revenue Sales and Use Tax.

Do you support the 1% local option sales tax for housing and transportation? If not, how do you propose to fund the goals set out in the Integrated Transportation Plan?

Candidates for Mayor

sara-flitnerSara Flitner: 

I do. And while I understand we all hate taxes, we also live in a place with great services, safe roads, and good schools. I don’t take that for granted. This election will NOT raise our taxes, but it allows for the community to focus on priorities instead of bells and whistles. The Town has made it very easy for voters to get accountability, by establishing a special fund for the general revenue penny. This means the money is easily tracked and will only be deposited into transit and housing budgets. It will not be possible to spend it on other things without public approval.

pete-muldoonPete Muldoon: 

Absolutely – if we don’t pass that 1% local option tax we can forget about getting any of these things done.




Candidates for Town Council

jessica-chambersJessica Chambers:

Yes, absolutely. Having a steady stream of income that is built in makes a lot of sense – especially when we have budget cuts statewide and revenue is an issue. Visitors to our town pay the lion’s share of the sales tax – which does not include food – and we need revenue to mitigate the costs of their presence and to improve our housing and transportation situations. Additionally, we should charge people to park in town – and a novel idea suggested by a friend at the senior center is to have people get bike licenses/plates. There are many people who resent the pathways because they don’t use them and it’s only fair to ask bikers to contribute to maintaining the system. I’d be happy to get a bike license and/or plate, which would also solve the issue of ‘borrowed’ bikes!

judd-grossmanJudd Grossman:

I do not support the General Excise Tax increase. The parts of the ITP and the Workforce Housing Action plan that call for a steady stream of funding are flawed. Using public money to buy land at market prices and then trying to make it affordable for working people is doomed to fail. The proper way to expand the workforce housing stock is through density bonuses exclusively for deed restricted housing in the walkable urban commercial core. The transportation plan’s call for a blank check to fund START as a solution to our traffic problems is misleading. Right now START handles 1% of our traffic. According to the ITP in 20 years with full funding it will handle 3% of our traffic. START is an important piece of the puzzle, but not a game changer in our traffic problem. The claim that taxing and spending over $100,000,000 for START will solve the traffic issue is being used by development forces to “transit wash” inappropriate expansion of development.

The tax increase proponents are playing a shell game with SPET by letting it expire after the Budge Slide is paid for so that they can claim that the General Excise Tax increase is tax rate neutral. They are well aware that there is a backlog of SPET initiatives cued up in the tens of millions dollars, and SPET will come roaring back at the first opportunity raising our tax rate to 7% and making Jackson even less affordable for working people.

I support a Workforce Housing Overlay that will provide significant density bonuses exclusively for deed restricted housing in mixed use developments in the walkable urban commercial core. I support waiving the parking requirement for deed restricted housing in the Overlay. This will create significant demand for START and pathways.

Given the lack of proper vetting of the ITP and the Workforce Housing Action Plan by government and the media SPET is still the best way to fund community priorities with community input and oversight. I support using SPET to fund housing initiatives for public sector employees, such as the housing plan for the START bus barn. I also support using SPET to buy new buses for START.

haileyHailey Morton Levinson:

I support the 1% local option sales tax for our Community Priorities Fund.




jim-stanfordJim Stanford:

Yes, it’s critical to making any progress on housing and transportation. State funding cuts have hurt the town’s capital projects budget, making it harder to build sidewalks, pathways and other infrastructure, let alone pay for major investments in transit. Overall, it’s a more effective way of funding town and county government, as in contrast to the lodging tax, the community has complete control over how the money can be spent. With the lodging tax, state law mandates that more than half the money be spent on promotion, which makes our housing and transportation issues worse.


Candidates for County Commission

treyTrey Davis:

I would like to see SPET explored to contribute to a funding source for housing and transportation. SPET funds will be earmarked by the voters and utilized for the specific purpose. As of now, 3 votes of an elected body can change a general sales tax designation, as can a vote of 3 at a regular budget meeting. This makes me nervous with the potential of budget cuts from the state and/or any county emergency that could arise and require monies from the general fund.

gregGreg Epstein:

I absolutely support the Community Priority local option 1% sales tax. With state budget cuts continuing to come down the pipeline, Jackson Hole needs to take hold of its fiscal future by leveraging the roughly 4 million visitors who pay for nearly two-thirds of our local general revenue sales tax every year. In my opinion the only way to efficiently allow the government to focus on community priorities, make dynamic decisions and create solutions regarding transportation and housing is to have this steady revenue stream. If the 1% local option fails on November 8, our community stands to suffer a decreased quality of life by not having the proper funding for the health, safety and welfare services we have come to expect.

nikkiNikki Gill:

The current proposal lacks definition. We need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a more defined, concrete proposal that’s project specific before we implement a general tax increase. I want housing. I want traffic reduction. I support funding housing and transportation projects in our community through the use of SPET. That way the entire community gets a voice in which projects to support.

The role of government is to be honest, use common sense and safeguard the public’s trust. I think SPET is a good tool to ensure that happens. The money collected through SPET is legally bound to each specific project. In contrast, no future commission can be legally bound to spend general sales tax dollars on transportation and housing. In the end I support transparent, focused, and competitively bid projects.

nataliaNatalia Macker:

Yes, I am a supporter of the local option sales tax. It is a more effective tool (than SPET) for dedicated funding of our transportation goals, and our visitors pay a large portion of it.


The Jackson/Teton County Integrated Transportation Plan (ITP) was adopted in September 2015 by the Board of County Commissioners and the Jackson Town Council. Have you read the ITP? And if so, what are your top three priorities?

Candidates for Mayor

sara-flitnerSara Flitner: Yes.

My top priorities are related to setting the table effectively. I will focus on getting the data and analysis we need to address the Albertson’s intersection improvements, and the same with Tribal Trails. The ITP clearly states the need for improved traffic flow through the Y intersection, and I am concerned about our ability to deliver emergency services to our community without a connector. Finally, as we await outcomes regarding transit funding, I will continue to focus on ways to improve START bus service and efficiency. It would be great to be able to provide service to neighborhoods south and west of town.

pete-muldoonPete Muldoon: Yes, I have read it. I agree with all of the immediate actions listed in the implementation section (with the exception of Tribal Trails), and wouldn’t want to prioritize any of them in particular as they’re all important. So instead, I’ll just give you my thoughts on the rest of it.

One of the keys to solving our housing crisis is to dedicate less land to vehicle use. We have some of the nation’s highest land values, yet nearly half of the land in the downtown core is currently paved for vehicle use and storage. So finding ways to reduce that dependence on vehicles is absolutely critical. I think the ITP does a great job of addressing that, and I strongly support it (with the exception of prioritizing the Tribal Trails Connector). I’ll add a few comments here:

Improving the town shuttle route is important. Improved frequency and better routing, coupled with better public awareness, will really help get town residents out of their cars, and make commuter buses a much more attractive option.

I’d like to explore the possibility of making the Jackson/TV route free. It would make all routes (except the commuter routes) free. There are transaction costs associated with that fare, and it has a negative effect on ridership. Increasing that ridership and the growing the perception of transit as a public good will have substantial community benefits.

I’d also support expanding the employer pass program as soon as possible.

Let’s hire a TDM coordinator as soon as possible. I’m also very supportive of TDM programs that trade parking requirements for employer TDM.

We need to update the parking study.

I’d also like to look into installing wifi on board buses to make them more attractive.

I’d love to see us do a better job of informing visitors of the transportation options, and promoting the idea that a car isn’t necessary. Developing a trip planning app will help with this. We could also look into adding displays to bus stops that show wait times for each inbound route. We should market the Bike Share program as an attraction, not just a convenience.

We need to change the projected mode share by increasing the number of residents who don’t own a vehicle. We should explore ZipCar service, more frequent bus service, bike share programs, paid parking in the downtown core, car free affordable housing development, improving pathways and developing a culture of alternative transportation. Some of that change may come from national demographic shifts as well.

We’re basing new road construction on very detailed projections of mode shares that extend 20 years into the future. But it’s likely that technological, economic, demographic and cultural shifts will overwhelm the accuracy of those projections. That’s not a reason to do nothing, but it should give us pause when we consider building new roads based on those assumptions. As an example, the traffic trigger for Capital Project Group 1 construction (which includes the Tribal Trails Connector) is 20,000 vehicles per day (VPD). The ITP forecast is for that to increase to to 24,400 VPD by 2035. That’s an increase of 22% over 20 years. I’m not confident that 22% is outside the margin of error for a projection with such a high degree of uncertainty. And the VPD carrying capacity of that corridor will likely increase with a redesign of the Y.

My concern with the Tribal Trails Connector is based on my view that:

  1. It’s a subsidy for vehicle traffic, and when you subsidize something you generally get more of it.
  2. It will undercut our efforts to move away from SOV use.
  3. Our traffic projections are highly uncertain.

I’d like to see us move forward with the Y redesign, and postpone a decision on Tribal Trails until we see how our TDM program works and get a better handle on traffic trends. We might also consider eventually constructing a single lane connector that would be restricted to transit and emergency vehicles and as route redundancy for emergency use.


Candidates for Town Council

jessica-chambersJessica Chambers: Yes, I have read the ITP in its entirety. Having our residents and visitors be able to safely, efficiently, and economically move within our community and region by many modes of transportation is a great goal.

First, understanding who is on our roads and focusing on reducing those travelers is key; reducing local single-occupancy vehicles is essential and will require the use of both “carrots and sticks”.

Second, START updates must be done in tandem with other area updates, such as zoning, land development regulations and used with both incentives and regulations. Research shows that by getting people off roads and onto buses or whatever else, people see less traffic and start driving again — bringing us back to square one. Prioritizing ease, sensibility, and predictability of START bus routes is a key, which is presently in the works. Currently, using the buses for random or non-uniform travel is often out of the question because the system as is, is not intuitive. We need a Broadway Line with an express option and a Snow King Avenue Bus with common hubs at the end of the line, ideally at parking lots.

Thirdly, all of these improvements need to be coupled with pedestrian friendly streets to be effective, which the Town is already doing. We shouldn’t put the cart before the horse – we need ridership first — which, as I’ve been saying for months now, requires both ‘carrots’ and ‘sticks’. And, people value what they pay for – why not implement a bus pass system like any other place, with student and senior passes subsidized; and charge for parking in town, like they do at the village; it’s all regressive but it works and those who can afford to pay for parking in town will do so generating revenue – and who knows – maybe they’ll get on the bus instead.

judd-grossmanJudd Grossman: Yes, I have read the ITP.

My focus will be on limiting the expansion of development rights, so that we don’t dig our over population and traffic hole deeper. I will work to focus development into the walkable urban commercial core of Jackson where residents have easy access to work, shopping, entertainment, transit and pathways, so that they can move towards a new non-car-centric paradigm. I support putting all options on the table regarding optimizing, expanding and connecting our roadway system based on traffic studies and objective advice from traffic engineers and input from affected neighborhoods. I support expanding START in response to demand.

haileyHailey Morton Levinson: I have read and supported the adoption of the ITP. It’s a great document outlining how to address transportation as we go forward.

My priorities in implementation are working together as a community to address the needs. Town, County, WYDOT, and other players will need to work together to make sure we can appropriately and effectively implement recommendations. The document gives different thresholds to begin the process of planning and then construction. For example, thresholds at the Y intersection have already been met or surpassed so those items are a priority. Finally, I want to prioritize alternative transportation. We need to make it more convenient and safer than the car so that people will use that instead.

jim-stanfordJim Stanford: Yes, as the town liaison to the Transportation Advisory Committee, I was involved in drafting the plan and strongly advocated its adoption. The committee is composed of town and county engineering, planning, transit and pathway staff, along with representatives from WyDOT, the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service. TAC worked closely with the consultant, Jim Charlier, to shape the plan.

My top priority toward implementation is passing the 1 percent sales tax this November, proceeds from which will help fund transportation and housing initiatives. We simply cannot expand our transit system without additional resources. Once funding is secured, the next two priorities would be finishing the bus maintenance and storage facility, which is necessary for adding more buses, and continuing to improve commuter service.


Candidates for County Commission

treyTrey Davis: I have read the ITP.

My top three priorities toward Plan implementation will be to establish a regional transportation strategy and to work to increase service levels for START (frequency, hours of service and connectivity) on local routes, bring much better service to South Park and the West Bank as well as within the Town. I would like to see the number of daily runs on commuter routes increase, the town circulator to become more convenient, and more bus connectivity to parking areas to encourage park and ride. Additionally, we have invested heavily in the construction of pathways and sidewalks throughout the community. We need to now focus on consistent maintenance to improve year round usage. I will support looking at ways to improve safety with plowing and sweeping of the pathways and sidewalks, and improved lighting for safety in certain areas. I will also support and encourage park and ride and the Bike Share program.

gregGreg Epstein: I have read the entire ITP. With the goal of reducing our dependence on single occupancy vehicle trips, my top three initiatives are the following:

– Fund and hire an ITP Coordinator to implement the actions called for in the plan, and unite START Bus, pathways, and complete streets.

– Expand START Bus service in Teton County and regionally to make it easier for us all to ride the bus – this includes increased frequency and earlier/later service for existing routes, as well as starting to serve new areas like Melody Ranch, Rafter J and Wilson.

– Make START Bus a hub and spoke system by fully utilizing the one true park & ride in the County at Stilson as a year-round transit center, and identifying locations for additional park & rides.

nikkiNikki Gill: Yes, I’ve read the entire ITP. The frustrating traffic we’ve experienced these last couple of years doesn’t have to be the new normal. People want solutions. Safety requires it. Wildlife needs it.

Improvements to the Y intersection should be a high priority. The Y not only serves as one of the gateways to Jackson, but it’s also where we see the greatest traffic congestion. Reconstruction of the Y should accommodate all modes of transportation with emphasis on improvements upon signal and bus transit prioritization.

The winter park and ride program at Stilson is the only one of its kind in Teton County and it has proven success. Why not continue this program into the summer? Right now, during the summer months, a START bus only stops at Stilson if a rider calls and waits. Implementing this program during peak summer traffic months has the potential to take hundreds of cars off the road. Doing nothing at Stilson in the summer is unacceptable. I will help with common sense action so that summers to come are much different and for people and for wildlife.

Wildlife deaths on our roadways are also a top concern is mine. We need to reduce speeds. We need to educate drivers. I support widening shoulders on select roads in order to provide more space for animals and emergency vehicles. We can also look at areas where there is dense vegetation next to high mortality points and address that so our valley’s beautiful wildlife has a better chance of survival as they cross our roads. Fewer surprised animals and drivers will lessen wildlife deaths and put fewer people in harms way. It will take both large and small steps to have an impact. Education is key.

nataliaNatalia Macker: I was proud to be on the board when we adopted the Plan last year, so I have read it many times over. My priorities include:

  1. Traffic Modeling (this is already underway) so we can make evidence-based decisions about the network, especially with our intersections
  1. Expanded Bus Service, including commuter routes outside 9/5 work hours and service to other dense areas in the Valley, especially South Park and the JH Airport.
  1. Securing dedicated funding.


Do you support Bike Share as a program of START? Will you fund a Bike Share program in the 2017/18 Budget?

Candidates for Mayor

sara-flitnerSara Flitner: 

I led the charge to get us over the hump on Bike Share, in part because the County was so generous with their capital support for the Bike Share infrastructure. Our collaborations prove effective for the community, and I am proud of our positive working relationship and their help. Data suggests that that transit ridership makes a significant jump when there is a way for riders to get “the last mile” from the bus stop to work or the store or their final destination. I know I loved jumping on the bikes during the pilot program because it was fun and easy. It really helped keep me from the temptation of jumping in my car.

pete-muldoonPete Muldoon: 

I absolutely support it, and it’s one of the planks in my campaign platform. I believe that we need to do everything we can to make biking and walking easier and more attractive to tourists and locals alike. I’ve seen the effects of bike culture first-hand in places like Amsterdam, and it’s amazing what a difference it can make.


Candidates for Town Council

jessica-chambersJessica Chambers:

I’d rather see the town sponsoring bikes for community members, like what the Town Hall does in Bordeaux France. However, I fully support bikeshare programs – they are wonderful  – for visitors especially. We used the bike share in Philadelphia this summer getting to and from the DNC; it was great cruising past all of the car traffic. But other infrastructure pieces must be in place. As for funding a bike share program in the 2017/18 budget – that will depend on what our revenue situation looks like at that point in time. We have a growing list of issues that need to be tackled and progress on those issues will determine funding priorities in the future, as well as dwindling state budgets. It’s unlikely a bike share program would generate revenue; I believe New York City’s bike share program is through a public-private partnership with no funding from the city, and the private company is running it in the red. In short, we’ve got bigger fish to fry at this point in time.

judd-grossmanJudd Grossman:

I support the concept of Bike Share, but I’m not yet convinced that it’s a good return on investment. I need to see more information regarding how many people will use it versus the cost to the taxpayer.



haileyHailey Morton Levinson:

I do support a Bike Share and have voted in favor. I will continue to support so that we can get the program going and see the impact it makes for our community.



jim-stanfordJim Stanford:

Yes, I voted to approve the bike share pilot program in partnership with Friends of Pathways and voted recently to approve funding for bike share to begin in spring 2017. I will continue to look closely at costs and revenue generated (at this point we are relying on estimates), but given the level of capital invested, I’m willing to support the service into fiscal year 2018 and see how much the public uses it.


Candidates for County Commission

treyTrey Davis:

I do support Bike Share as a program of START and will support funding for this program.




Greg Epstein:greg

I do support a bike share program that would be under the START umbrella or under the proposed transportation authority. If elected, I would support funding for Bike Share in the 2017/18 budget.



nikkiNikki Gill:

I love bike share programs. I think they work really well. As mentioned above, I will apply the test of can we afford it and will it help. In response to the second part of my test, I think this program does help. I applaud the town and county for the pilot program they have now for their employees. Most of the bikes are repurposed, they are safe and work great for trip reduction. I am absolutely open to a community-wide bike share program. I hope to forge partnerships in developing such a program with groups like Friends of Pathways and others. Whether such a program is funded in the FY17/18 budget will be driven by whether we can afford it within the context of the budget and whether other commissioners see the value in a bike share program that I do.

nataliaNatalia Macker:

I have been and will continue to be supportive of the Bike Share program. We need to find a sustainable solution for funding, and I look forward to having the conversation when we enter budget discussions.


When was the last time you rode a bike, and where?

Candidates for Mayor

sara-flitnerSara Flitner: 

I got a great ride in during last week’s sunny weather, from my house out towards  the Village. As far as errands go, I use my cruiser a lot…I would use it less if I remembered to buy the gallon of milk when I was picking up the bread! I live close to the store and on a great pathway, so it’s not much of an inconvenience, more a chance to enjoy fresh air and all the great work of Pathways!

pete-muldoonPete Muldoon: 

I rode over to Lucky’s this morning. I try to ride in town as much as possible (I have a bike trailer for groceries), and I mountain bike as well.



Candidates for Town Council

jessica-chambersJessica Chambers:

I rode my pink granny bike with my son’s empty front child seat, to see Terry Tempest Williams at SH/FT at the Center for the Arts – talk about an inspirational evening; highlights: we need to learn to speak the language of ‘we’ and we need to put people before profit. A lot to think about on the bike ride home…


judd-grossmanJudd Grossman:

I don’t bike, but I longboard downtown on most days to run errands.




haileyHailey Morton Levinson:

I rode my bike to the last People’s Market a few weeks ago. I rode with my husband and our son, Ari, who is really excited about his chariot!



jim-stanfordJim Stanford:

I rode my bike around South Park Loop yesterday evening for a beautiful fall tour. The route went from east Jackson along the Snow King Avenue bike lane to the Garaman Path, and then around the pathway network by the schools to 3 Creek, Melody Ranch and south Highway 89. It was great to see the progress on the new Melody Ranch portion. I have walked or biked to nearly every Town Council meeting in the last four years.


Candidates for County Commission

treyTrey Davis:

In September, my wife, kids and I rode our bikes on the Pathways on South Highway 89. We frequently use that route to access the schools, parks supermarket and to ride into Town from Rafter J.



gregGreg Epstein:

I ride my bike often. Most recently I commuted from Melody Ranch to Wilson and back for work.



nikkiNikki Gill:

The last time I rode my bike was this past week to grab coffee at Cowboy Coffee – and to say hi to my husband.



nataliaNatalia Macker:

Yesterday! My husband and I carpool from the Hoback Junction as much as possible, and I keep a bike in town to use to get around during the week.


We are working to finish the last 2 miles of the Skyline Trail.  We are working downhill towards the Game Creek Trail narrowing the wide bench that the trail machine built to support itself.  This involves pulling down the backslope to prevent erosion, slightly outsloping the tread and making it 18 inches wide, and raking away the excess dirt on the downhill edge to allow snow and water to drain off the trail and to allow any vegetation covered up to regrow more quickly.  Crews will be working throughout the fall and into next spring to complete this project.



Big News on the FOP-front today! Last night the Jackson Town Councilors voted big thumbs up for Bike Share.

Read All About It in the Jackson Hole News & Guide HERE

‘The Jackson bike share program became fully funded Tuesday night.

During its semimonthly meeting the Town Council unanimously agreed to provide $22,558 to help fund the project’s operational budget for the first year. Friends of Pathways also contributed $18,000.

The program will kick off in April and run through the end of June. After a truncated first year the program is expected to expand in 2018 and run for the entire summer.

“We needed the money to pull the trigger and begin operations next spring,” Katherine Dowson, executive director of Friends of Pathways, told the News&Guide. “We want to thank the Town Council, county commissioners and mayor for their incredible leadership. Bike share could have big impacts for Jackson in terms of traffic congestionREAD MORE