Trail Conditions for 6-19-20
Teton Pass got some fresh snow this week so the trails up high will likely be a bit muddy in spots and there are definitely drifts lingering on ridges and in north facing tree cover. The crew cleaned drainage and added fill to bridge approaches and turnpikes up Black Canyon and saw some bikers coming down who had post holed out to My Elly before descending mostly dry trail. Similarly people are making the connection from the Phillip’s Pass trailhead down to the Phillip’s Canyon access on Fish Creek with a combination of trails and the BPA road which is mostly dry. The hiking trails are more accessible and it would be a great weekend for a chilly dip in Ski Lake. Our youth trail crew started their summer this week and cleaned a bunch of drains in the rain, built a few turnpikes, and added a new balance feature to the Blair Dr. Bike Park. Look for them out on the trails working hard this summer!
Check here for trail updates in Teton Valley from MBT.