Trail Conditions for 6-5-20
Snow King is completely dry and riding great! The crews cleared some trees off of West Game and Ferrins yesterday, but expect a few more to fall in the burned section of Wilson Canyon and West Game. If you see some new trees down after a wind event shoot us a trail maintenance request and we will get them cleared. Teton Pass is also drying out but slowly. We cleared upper Crater and History trail this week and there is some snow lingering on the top of History. Big Rocks and lower Blacks and getting there too and we will be out clearing those trails on Monday. On the northern side of the highway there is still a lot of drifts on Arrow, Ridge, and Snotel. The BPA road is drier since it gets more sun and can get you further out but it will still be hard to link to the trails that descend to Fish Creek. A quick reminder to enthusiastic trail users that building jumps and features is not allowed on the trails. The frontcountry system is managed for multi-use and the trail crew works hard to maintain trails so everyone can enjoy them. On this same note please do not remove trail closures and rehab materials. When trail braids and shortcuts happen because of irresponsible use the crews choose the alignment that drains water the best, reduce speeds, and provide for the best line of sight for other trail users. Then we will close and rehab the other sections. Thanks for helping us make sure everyone can enjoy the trails safely and get out this afternoon and enjoy the trails before the rain and snow this weekend!