Trail Conditions 4-28-23


For the first trail report of the season there is not much to report.  Lots of snow still melting and a few dry trails down south of town between Adam’s Canyon and Game Creek.  If you’re are really itching for dry dirt head down that way and link up to the A&W trail at the junction with the S 89 pathway near Rafter J and use the underpass to climb up to Adam’s Canyon Dr. and head south on the A&W trail over to the Wilson Canyon trailhead.  This section is outside of the Winter Wildlife Closures which are still in effect until Monday May 1.  You can then cross the highway to the S 89 pathway and head south along the S 89 Singletrack to the Game Creek tunnel.  There you can hop on the Game Creek trail and go up to the trailhead and explore a bit farther to see how much snow has melted above the gate.  If you are out skinning and exploring other areas this weekend remember to obey the Winter Wildlife Closures and Dog Leash Zones and hopefully there will be some more dry trail by next weekend.