South Park Loop FAQ

  1. Did we vote for SPET funds to complete projects in South Park Loop before?

In 2006 SPET initiative approved $947,000 for “South Park Loop and Schools Campus Pathways.” This funded a number of projects, either fully or in part.  Some of the funding was leveraged to match federal grants, used to fill in gaps in the South Park Network. We knew from the beginning that $947,000 was not enough to complete the entire project, but we made a lot of progress with this funding to leverage other funds, including,

  1. Flat Creek to Kestrel (match for Federal TEAL funds)
  2. Teton Science School Connector
  3. Middle School to 3 Creek
  4. High School Road Intersection
  5. Flat Creek to Highway 89 (match for private Melody funds)


  1. What will this project cost?  And, will it complete this section of pathway?

Teton County requests 3.5 Million to complete the 1.8 miles of pathway.  This section is one of the more costly sections of pathway due to topography and possible easements.


  1. How much SPET has been spent on pathways?

$12,467,533 or 6% of historical SPET/Cap Tax initiatives have gone to pathway projects.  These funds have been used to leverage federal, state and local funding.


  1. When will South Park Loop be completed?

Jackson Hole Community Pathways have suggested the project will be completed in 2016, but the final timeline will be determined by the pathways department and the electeds after the funding is secured.


  1. Where will the pathway be located?

The pathway will most likely connect to existing pathways on the south and west side of South Park Loop at 3 Creek (Hufsmith Hill, Rancho Allegre) and Kestrel Lane (Melody Ranch). Design is underway, but will be completed when funding is secured.