Youth Trail Crew Update


The Friends of Pathways Youth Trail Crew has been hard at work this summer on projects on around the Bridge-Teton National Forest.  They have installed several dozen rock steps and drainage features on Josie’s Ridge and the Woods Canyon trails, built the new Nelson Knoll trail and installed a new bench at the overlook, improved the Ski Lake trail above the lake to the ridge line, dug parts of the new Skyline Trail, pulled weeds in Game Creek, mapped weeds and trail problems on the East Table Creek trail, moved several tons of gravel to turnpikes on the Big Rocks trail, and cleaned hundreds of drainage features and improved line of sight on almost all of the trails in the front country system.  A big thanks to them for their hard work and to Mountain Khakis for supplying them all with uniforms for the summer.  Look for them out on the trails!

FOLLOW THE YOUTH TRAIL CREW! @FriendsOfPathways on Instragram We’ll Be Taking An In-Depth Look at the #YouthTrailCrew During Their Last Week of the Summer!

