• Trail Updates

Friends of Pathways has a formal partnership with the USFS to collaborate on design, construction and stewardship of local trails for all users – hike, bike, horse, and ski. We’re committed to providing easy year round access to trails in order to maintain our high quality of life in Jackson Hole.

Do you know a 15-18 year old who wants to spend the summer outside, working in the Bridger-Teton National Forest? 

FOP is looking for 8 motivated teens to be a part of our first Youth Trail Crew program. Crew members will work on a variety of projects on the Bridger-Teton National Forest for nine weeks, June 19th – August 17th. This is a Monday – Thursday position (32 hours); crew members will earn $11/hr. As a crew member you will help complete a variety of manual tasks including restoration and maintenance of trails, new trail lay-out and construction, and the closure and rehab of old trails. Crew members will interact weekly with resource managers from the Bridger-Teton, and will also learn about many aspects of forest and natural resource management (wildlife, recreation, forestry, fire management). The job requires teamwork, personal motivation, enthusiasm for new challenges and an excitement to work outdoors! Applicants must complete a written application and attend a personal interview.

To apply for this position, you must complete an application and reference form and email it to chris@friendsofpathways.org no later than May 12, 2017. Please be sure to complete all questions on the application in a thoughtful and thorough manner. If mailing, please send this application along with your reference form to:

Youth Trail Crew
Friends of Pathways
PO Box 2062
10 E. Simpson Ave.
Jackson, WY 83001


2017 Youth Trail Crew Job Description

2017 Youth Trail Crew Application

2017 Youth Trail Crew Reference Letter

May 4 2015 Trail Conditions

Cache Creek
Putt-Putt – OPEN
Sidewalk – OPEN
Cache Creek Road – wet/muddy in shady areas
Hagen – OPEN (even up to the base of Ferrin’s)
Josie’s – OPEN
Ferrin’s – OPEN at the base, snowy on top
Game – OPEN up to the Beaver Ponds – wet up to the divide
Wilson/West Game – CAUTION very muddy in places
Snow King – almost dry, but watch for closures

Teton Pass
Parallel – OPENEverything else – muddy
Old Pass Road – OPEN plowed and swept by Jim Verdone this weekend- THANKS!

Munger – OPEN 

This year, Jay Pistono, Friends of Pathways Pass Ambassador, was voted to have the ‘coolest and most important jobs in the valley’ by The Planet.  Here’s what they’re saying:

Pistono’s job began on a volunteer basis as he tried to help clean up after dogs and control the calamitous parking situation atop Teton Pass. These two issues became so problematic that “access was hanging in the balance,” according to Pistono, and WYDOT was ready to ban Teton Pass skiing access altogether.

When Friends of Pathways and the U.S. Forest Service got wind of what Pistono was doing to help minimize chaos on the pass, they decided to create a job for him, hoping he could help ensure continued access to the area.

Most people don’t realize that without Pistono, skiing on Teton Pass would likely be restricted and this winter playground would be the forbidden fruit dangling in our faces. Of course, Pistono is incredibly humble and insists it’s all about the pass, and he doesn’t want credit for the great job he’s doing. The Ambassador’s approach has always been one of compassion and teaching:

“I like to talk to people in the spirit of learning, not judgment,” he said. “They’re much more likely to listen.”

Teton County Grooming Schedule (starts December 15th)
Cache Creek T/Th/Sa – Early AM
May Park T/Th/Sa – Early AM
School Fields Complex T/Th/Sa – Late AM
Game Creek T/Th – Early PM
Emily’s Pond Levee W/F – Early AM
Wilson Centennial W/F/Sa – Early AM
South Park Loop W/F – Late AM
Von Gontard W/F – Late AM

Grand Teton National Park – M/F

Teton Pines – OPEN

Trail Creek – OPEN

Shooting Star – OPEN

Teton County Idaho TVTAP Grooming Schedule (already begun)
Alta M/W/Sa
Driggs School Fields M/W/F
Grand Targhee Nordic Trails T/Th/Sa/Su
Pioneer Park T/F
Teton Canyon T/Th
Teton Springs W/Sa

Visit JHNordic.com for more information on local cross country ski, snowshoe, snow bike, ect. information.

REMINDER: The Elk Refuge Pathway will being its seasonal closure on November 1 to reduce conflicts with migrating or wintering animals and to maintain the National Elk Refuge’s mission.

The pathway will reopen on April 1, 2015.

A seasonal closure was a key condition of the agreement between Teton County and the National Elk Refuge for pathway use on U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service property. Another alternative identified during the planning process called for locating the pathway on the west side of the highway with fewer restrictions, but public comment supported the east side placement despite the seasonal closure.