Trail Conditions for 6-12-20


Teton Pass is aiming for its traditional dry trail date of July 4th again this year.  Trails are slowly melting and the crews cleared Blacks up to Mt. Elly but found a lot of snow above bridge 4 in the shaded part of the canyon.  The trails north of the Phillips/Jimmys parking lot still have a lot of drifted snow as well although it is about the time that an intrepid biker could link up some trail and the BPA road to access the lower Ridge trail.  Hikers should fair better but prepare hard packed snow in the mornings and slushy snow as the day warms.  Snow King is good shape although trees keep falling in the burned area of West Game and Wilson Canyon.  If you see any new fallen trees please let us know through our trail maintenance request and we will go get them with the help of our youth trail crew which starts on Monday.  Look for them out on the trails and remember trail crews always love cookies!

Check with MBT for their trail reports covering Teton Valley here: