Trail Conditions for 5-21-21
The trails in the Snow King and Munger Systems are 99% dry with only a few lingering snow drift on windy ridges. Crews have cleared both systems for downed trees and have started to clear on Teton Pass. The Teton Pass trails are melting out and are usable from the lower trailheads. Crews cleared up Phillip’s Canyon and the Crater to History trail loop. TFR also reported dry conditions on the Parallel trail. There is still a good amount of snow at the Phillips/Jimmys and Teton Pass trailheads so the upper access to the trails may still be a few weeks away. With rain in the forecast for the next few days try to make sure you wait until the paved roads are dry to go use the trails. That is usually a good indicator of when the trails have drained and absorbed the moisture and you won’t be getting muddy and damaging the trails. MBT also has some trail reports for the CTNF trails at the link below. Have a good weekend out on the trails!