Friends of Pathways Asks the Candidates: Bike Share
Do you support Bike Share as a program of START? Will you fund a Bike Share program in the 2017/18 Budget?
Candidates for Mayor
Sara Flitner:
I led the charge to get us over the hump on Bike Share, in part because the County was so generous with their capital support for the Bike Share infrastructure. Our collaborations prove effective for the community, and I am proud of our positive working relationship and their help. Data suggests that that transit ridership makes a significant jump when there is a way for riders to get “the last mile” from the bus stop to work or the store or their final destination. I know I loved jumping on the bikes during the pilot program because it was fun and easy. It really helped keep me from the temptation of jumping in my car.
Pete Muldoon:
I absolutely support it, and it’s one of the planks in my campaign platform. I believe that we need to do everything we can to make biking and walking easier and more attractive to tourists and locals alike. I’ve seen the effects of bike culture first-hand in places like Amsterdam, and it’s amazing what a difference it can make.
Candidates for Town Council
Jessica Chambers:
I’d rather see the town sponsoring bikes for community members, like what the Town Hall does in Bordeaux France. However, I fully support bikeshare programs – they are wonderful – for visitors especially. We used the bike share in Philadelphia this summer getting to and from the DNC; it was great cruising past all of the car traffic. But other infrastructure pieces must be in place. As for funding a bike share program in the 2017/18 budget – that will depend on what our revenue situation looks like at that point in time. We have a growing list of issues that need to be tackled and progress on those issues will determine funding priorities in the future, as well as dwindling state budgets. It’s unlikely a bike share program would generate revenue; I believe New York City’s bike share program is through a public-private partnership with no funding from the city, and the private company is running it in the red. In short, we’ve got bigger fish to fry at this point in time.
Judd Grossman:
I support the concept of Bike Share, but I’m not yet convinced that it’s a good return on investment. I need to see more information regarding how many people will use it versus the cost to the taxpayer.
Hailey Morton Levinson:
I do support a Bike Share and have voted in favor. I will continue to support so that we can get the program going and see the impact it makes for our community.
Jim Stanford:
Yes, I voted to approve the bike share pilot program in partnership with Friends of Pathways and voted recently to approve funding for bike share to begin in spring 2017. I will continue to look closely at costs and revenue generated (at this point we are relying on estimates), but given the level of capital invested, I’m willing to support the service into fiscal year 2018 and see how much the public uses it.
Candidates for County Commission
Trey Davis:
I do support Bike Share as a program of START and will support funding for this program.
Greg Epstein:
I do support a bike share program that would be under the START umbrella or under the proposed transportation authority. If elected, I would support funding for Bike Share in the 2017/18 budget.
Nikki Gill:
I love bike share programs. I think they work really well. As mentioned above, I will apply the test of can we afford it and will it help. In response to the second part of my test, I think this program does help. I applaud the town and county for the pilot program they have now for their employees. Most of the bikes are repurposed, they are safe and work great for trip reduction. I am absolutely open to a community-wide bike share program. I hope to forge partnerships in developing such a program with groups like Friends of Pathways and others. Whether such a program is funded in the FY17/18 budget will be driven by whether we can afford it within the context of the budget and whether other commissioners see the value in a bike share program that I do.
Natalia Macker:
I have been and will continue to be supportive of the Bike Share program. We need to find a sustainable solution for funding, and I look forward to having the conversation when we enter budget discussions.