Friends of Pathways has a formal partnership with the USFS to collaborate on design, construction and stewardship of local trails for all users – hike, bike, horse, and ski. We’re committed to providing easy year round access to trails that is essential to maintaining our high quality of life in Jackson Hole.

Ill start with a ChrisP quote “You can be certain each year that all of the frontcountry trails will be snow free by July 4th”  We made it and got everything clear including the Skyline trail which opened up on July 1.  Its a sprint from late April til now to hike and bike the 150 miles of trail with a chainsaw and clear all the downed trees from the winter.  This often involves multiple trips as spring and summer wind storms inevitably bring down more trees the day after we cleared.  When this happens it really helps us to get reports of where the trees are and how big they are through our trail maintenance request button on our website.  Help us out and let us know if you see downed trees or other trail problems when you are out on adventures.  Have fun out on the trails over the holiday weekend!

Teton Pass trails are almost snow free with some drifts remaining on the highest ridges and shaded north facing slopes.  We cleared up Phillip’s Canyon to the Arrow trail and up to Snotel, and then down the Ridge trail.  There were just a few patches of snow left on Arrow.  You can access everything from the Trail Creek trailhead or the Fish Creek Access to Phillip’s Canyon.  Old Pass Road is open but the highway is closed to vehicles and pedestrians this weekend as WYDOT hauls fill to fix the slide.  Josie’s Ridge too is closed for part of today as the helitac crew helps drop loads of rocks so the trail crew can finish reinforcing the steep switchbacks.  Crews also spent time this week brushing Munger, KC, Lindas, and treating musk thistle in Game Creek.  We will keep clearing the upper parts of Teton Pass next week and the trails should be good to go.  Continue to let us know if you see a tree down on the trail or any other problem that needs fixing, using our trial maintenance request button on our website.  Have a fun weekend!

The Teton Pass trails were eerily quite today with no cars up there, its a unique experience to get out and explore.  Crews cleared up Crater, the Phillip’s Connector, Arrow to Snotel, and over to the Ridge trail and back down.  We also hit History, Ferrins, and Game Creek as some new trees fell with all the wind this last week.  We will get down the rest of the Ridge and Arrow to Phillip’s Canyon next week then work out way up towards Ski Lake.  We also continued to wage war on musk thistle up Game Creek and did some maintenance on the Blair Dr. Skills Track and the Melody Limits Singletrack this week.  Thanks to the mountain bike team for coming out to help.  Its beautiful and green out there and wildflowers are starting to pop up so get out and enjoy some trails this weekend!

The trail in the Cache-Game system are all open and clear with the exception of the Skyline trail which opens on July 1.  The Munger Mountain system is in great shape too and beautiful this time of year with the aspen trees budding.  Teton Pass is slowly opening up and most trails are snow free up to about 7500 feet.  Crews this week finished up National Trails Day projects including a bridge on History trail and a turnpike on the new Big Rocks extension.  We also cleared lower History and Crater, Big Rocks, lower Blacks, and did a second pass on West Game and Wilson Canyon because trees in the burn area seem to fall every week.  Get out and enjoy the warm weather and use our trail maintenance request button if you see anything that needs attention out on the trails.

This week crews cleared Game, West Game, upper Wilson Canyon, Crater, History, and Big Rocks.  Snow is melting fast and only a few drifts are lingering on the steep north facing spots on the Cache-Game system.  Teton Pass is opening up as well with most trails being snow free up to 7000 feet or so depending on shade and aspect.  If you would like to help us on trails come out for National Trails Day this weekend on Teton Pass.  We will be working from 9-12 on the History and Big Rocks trails, building a bridge and a turnpike.  Meet at the bottom of Old Pass Road for coffee and bagels and lunch after, hope to see you there!

The snow and rain have slowed trails melting out but there is dry-ish dirt out there to be found.  The lower trails on Snow King below Sink or Swim are all in pretty good shape as is Putt Putt.  The upper part of Hagen and Ferrins have a few lingering snow spots, and so do the other north facing areas.  Crews have cleared everything in Cache and on the front side of Snow King and are working in Game Creek over the holiday weekend.  Beware of the fresh dirt work on the Game Creek singletrack on the east side of the beaver ponds as it will soak up any rain on Saturday and be muddier than other more compact trails.  If you are heading up that way take the Beaver Ponds Loop on the west side instead, and maybe bring some snacks for the hard working MCC crew were hired to help us with some trail work and clearing this spring.  They will be camped up Game Creek til next week when they head over to Teton Pass.  Keep next Saturday morning, June 1 in mind as its National Trails Day and we will be meeting at the base of the Old Pass Road to do some work on the History and Big Rocks trails.  We hope to see you there, have a great weekend!



The snow this week didn’t do us any favors drying out the trails.  A few more things are opening up and passable but there is still some lingering packed snow and drifts in the shade.  As you get excited for summer come by the Bike Swap this Saturday at The Hub Bicycles from 10-1.  Otherwise enjoy some much deserved sunshine this weekend!

So these were the trails that would have been dry if it hadn’t snowed last night.  Things will hopefully melt off tomorrow but be wary of the transition from frozen mornings to sunshine as the trails will turn slick and you will take a lot of mud home with you.  Your best bet is to go for an adventure south of town on the A&W, S 89 Singletrack, and Game Creek trails.  After that the first parts of Putt Putt and Sidewalk are mostly dry with some snow drifts.  You can also push through those and hike up Crystal Butte and Crystal Lite or take a short sunny walk on the Nelson Knoll trail.  If you are out and about and see any down trees or other trail issues use our Trail Maintenance Request button on our website to report it and we will get out to it right away.  Have a great weekend!

Trees, trees, big trees!  The crew did some more clearing on Arrow, Snotel, Ridge, Ski Lake, and Black Canyon this week and cleared a few dozen trees including some big firs and spruce.  We cleaned drainage on Big Rocks, Blacks, and Ski Lake and started laying out some of the project work in Black Canyon that a Montana Conservation Corps crew we hired will be helping with next week.  These include a number of small reroutes to improve drainage, decrease erosion, and minimize the amount of maintenance we have to do each year on the trail.  We also continued the war on musk thistle in Game Creek and buffed out the Shade Monkey trail that Snow King reestablished after they finished burying their snowmaking lines.  The Teton Pass trails are almost snow free with lingering patches on Ski Lake, Phillip’s Pass, the north facing parts of Arrow, and most of the ridgeline of Black Canyon to Mt. Elly.  If you are tenacious enough to hike through a mile of snow, come visit us next week on the upper parts of Black Canyon and remember the trail crew loves cookies.

The crew had another busy week.  We worked our way up Game and West Game focusing on brushing, drainage, and weeds.  We cleared lower Blacks, Big Rocks, Crater, and lower History and are headed out to the pass bash on Saturday to get some free shuttle rides to chainsaw and clear the Arrow, Snotel, Ridge loop.  We worked up Phillip’s Canyon and the lower Ridge trail and started work on the OPR Loops at the bottom of Black Canyon.  We also finished touching up the Sink or Swim reroute that 50 hearty volunteers helped us start last Saturday.  The trails on the pass are mostly dry with snow still lingering on the way to Mt. Elly, the upper parts of Ski Lake, and the north facing parts of the Ridge and Arrow trails.  Heads up there will be closures on lower Phillip’s Canyon and the Ridge trail next week as fire crews continue work on the thinning project in that area.